We've been blessed with a very moderate summer up until now. But today our area reached a high of 91 degrees Farenheit. So I did what any good fiscal conservative would do: I drove to Wal-Mart to soak up their air conditioning while searching for bargains.
Apparently, though, there are lots of conservatives in our area (yeah, right!) because the parking lot was full at 1pm. I think I walked over a city block's distance from my parking space to the door. (Sadly, I have not seen a single "expectant mothers" parking space anywhere around here.)
I did enjoy my time at Wal-Mart, though what should have been a 30-minute trip took nearly three times as long.
First, I searched for a water purifier for our sink. We think it's hilarious that we survived just fine without one while drinking "Schuylkill Punch" all those years in Philly, but now need one for our new home. The water is palletable, but has a chlorine-like tinge that I'd like to eliminate...but I digress.
So I searched for a water purifier. First I looked in the "home" department near the coffee makers and other appliances. Not there. Then I found the aisle marked "sink accessories." Only soap dispensers and dishracks. Then I tried the hardware depatment, where they stock faucets. Nada. Then I stumpled upon a patch of about seven Wal-Mart employees (not sure what they were up to) and asked for directions. A nice man led me to an aisle that stocked outdoor trashcans. You know, the Rubbermaid kind. Next to them were the water purifiers. Silly me for not looking in the trash aisle first.
After debating the merits of three different models, and consulting Karl via my cellphone (thanks, Lisa!), I decided to save the decision for another day and moved on.
I searched around for other things, including a "pet net" for the nursery. I got very helpful service from an associate named Jimmy, who really went all out to see if Wal-Mart carries such an item. They do not. But wow, did Jimmy try. I also looked for a radio that could mount under a kitchen cabinet, but that is not a Wal-Mart item either.
Eventually I grabbed a gallon of water (since I didn't buy the purifier), some baby-safe laundry detergent, and some applesauce and got in line. The line took longer than it should have due to multiple price checks for the party in front of me, but eventually I got home safely. And cool.
Susan - thanks for having a blog. I like seeing pictures of extended family - great way to keep up with everyone.
Jon's blog is:
Aunt Dot
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