Monday, June 7, 2010

Happy One Month, Caleb!

Has it been one month already? But in some ways, it seems like he's been in our lives forever.

Here's some stats:
  • A few days ago, we weighed him on a friend's scale and he came in at 10 lbs, 10 oz with clothes on. So he's probably at least 10 1/2 lbs now.
  • He's sleeping pretty well. Usually he goes down around 10pm and sleeps for about 5 hours, then after a feed, another 3, and if I'm lucky, then another 2-3 after another feed. Not bad.
  • He seems to be a laid back baby, which is good, because there is a lot going on here!
  • His big brother loves him a lot and is always happy to hug and kiss him. He especially likes to retrieve his pacifier and give it to him.

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